Go to your inbox to see the notification.

If you turn on email notifications, you will receive an email summarizing notifications as they are made. This is a good choice if its not important that you see comments and edits quickly. The number of notifications this add-on produces are limited by the owner's available email quota it will not send email notifications if the owner's daily email quota has been exceeded. To turn off email notifications, select the None option. It should not be used for complex or important workflows. Form Notifications was created as an sample add-on, and is meant for demonstration purposes only. This automatic message was sent to you via the Form Notifications add-on for Google Forms. If you dont want the recipients to receive a notification email, tap the three dots at the top-right corner and select Skip sending notifications.

This notification email will be sent to you at most once per day until the add-on is re-authorized. Hello, I UNinstalled your notifications more than a year ago (including the app), and I still get an e-mail every day saying 'Your script, Folder notifications for Google Drive, has recently failed to finish successfully. Google Docs will send an email to the people youre sharing with, even if you dont enter a message here, letting them know youve shared the document. Alternatively, you can click this link to approve authorization directly: You can accomplish this by opening one of the forms using the add-on and running the add-on through the menu. The add-on's automatic functions are temporarily disabled until you re-authorize the add-on. Ask the outside user to create a Google account without Gmail. This also required an administrative permission, Allow users in domain to publish files on the web or make them visible to the world as public or unlisted files. You can notify the form respondent, your team members, or create notification rules and send emails to different people based on the form answers. The add-on was recently updated and it needs you to re-authorize it to run on your behalf. Create an unlisted link to the document which lets anyone with the link edit or comment on the doc. With Email Notifications for Google Forms, you can automatically send email messages every time a respondent submits your Google Form. The Google Forms add-on Form Notifications is set to run automatically whenever a form is submitted. Would really appreciate some guidance here. Received this message via email, but there is no link to click, and "running the add-on through the menu" does not make sense how does one do that? I opened the configure window and saved it again, but no luck. Updated the form, and the add-on no longer works.